BLUE Sky Learning, an alternative provision for SEND children moved into new premises in Porte Marsh Estate on Friday 9th September, having outgrown the original home-based setting of founder Kirsty Burridge.

Kirsty, a qualified teacher, decided to leave mainstream education after losing her mum four years ago. She set up Blue Sky Learning offering tuition and lessons from her home in Calne to children with special educational needs - SEND.

Kirsty said: "It was an idea I had in my head as a primary school teacher for 20 years, is this the right thing to be - is there something more that I could go out there and do?

"Through tragic events I left primary school and felt that I had something pushing me forward to do something with my life and hopefully make a difference."

With the support of her family Kirsty opened Blue Sky Learning from her home in Calne.

Blue Sky Learning provides children with special educational needs with a more nurturing approach to learning. These children often find mainstream settings too overwhelming.

Kirsty told us: "Within a few months [of opening] I was contacted by Wiltshire Council to ask if I would consider offering alternative provision to a child who couldn't access their mainstream school. I agreed and the provision has grown drastically in the past 3 years."

Following an increase in need for the provision , Blue Sky Learning now has several members of staff and a growing number of children attending the centre.

"Starting in September 2019 with one child, three years later, we have 16 children starting and we have that room to grow."

"We implement the national curriculum in a variety of ways that the children can confidently access and find succeess within their learning as well as meeting their social and emotional needs." Kirsty added.

"Blue Sky Learning is onwards and upwards, and the idea behind this is that the passion that I have and the passion my staff have to make a difference to the children that I have always felt are being left behind.

"I want to get Blue Sky Learning bigger and better than it has ever been - not too big, because I still want to provide the bespoke education that our children need."

Kirsty's husband was called upon to cut the ribbon to the new premises.

We wish them every success.

For more information you can visit Blue Sky Learning here